It's that time of year again: The air is getting crisp, the leaves are turning brilliant colors, and everyone is enjoying their favorite autumn beverages. With winter right around the corner, it's just about time to pull out your snow clothes--but is the same true of your snow tires? Let's compare all-weather and snow tires to decide which is better for your vehicle.
The simple truth about tires is that they're a big deal.
Tires are one of the most important parts of your vehicle. Whether you drive a two-door sedan or an 18-wheeler, tires have a key role to play in things like braking, performance, fuel efficiency, ride smoothness, and more. Of course, their most important job is safety--protecting your vehicle and all the people and things inside of it.
That's why your task as a vehicle owner is to pay a little extra attention to your tires. That includes:
That last one gets interesting when winter weather rolls around. How do you choose the tires that fit your local area's weather conditions and make you feel confident as a driver?
Although there are all kinds of tires out there, the biggest question for most people can be summed up in three words: All-weather or snow? Let's take a closer look at these options and find out which may be better for you:
At first glance, all-weather tires sound like they should be the obvious answer. All-weather means all weather, right?
Unfortunately, that's not necessarily the case. That's because all-weather tires are, in many ways, jacks of all trades and masters of none. Their tread design combines a blocky pattern for some snow traction and a finer structure for the rest of the year, but doesn't fully commit to either approach.
In many climates, snow tires are a go-to winter accessory just like hats and jackets. However, like all-weather tires, they have their strengths and weaknesses.
To make things even more confusing, you may encounter a third option that sounds a whole lot like the first: all-weather tires. The big difference with these tires is that they aren't designed for snowy, slushy conditions. They're a safe bet for some of the year and can usually withstand a summer rainstorm, but their finer tread makes it more difficult to get traction in winter conditions.
At the end of the day, the best tires for you are going to depend on your driving style, comfort level, and vehicle handling preferences. There are other considerations, too, like cost and local weather conditions.
That's why it's often best to talk to the tire experts before making your choice. Here at Naylor's Auto Repair, we're happy to talk about which tires will keep you safe and confident on the road.
Contact us today to learn more about winter vehicle care and tire service!